A logo for coastal ocean vision with a blue eye

OceanCube - Coastal Observatory System

An OceanCube® is a cabled coastal observatory system designed to collect continuous real-time data and under-water images for scientific research and long-term envi- ronmental monitoring. A central node supports a variety of biological, physical, and chemical sensors and is optionally connected to as many as four satellite nodes at the corners of a cubic volume that provide current and temperature information. To observe the behavior of fish, stereo camera modules with hydrophones can also be connected. A cable from a shore laboratory to the central node is used to supply power, remotely control individual instruments and to transfer data back to shore at high speed.

A camera is sitting on top of a metal structure in the water.


The scalable design of our OceanCube platform provides great versatility for custom instrument configurations that can grow with your scientific needs and budget. Via wet-mateable connectors, sensors can be rapidly added or removed by divers without the need for expensive surface support equipment.

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