A logo for coastal ocean vision with a blue eye
CPICS Cape Cod Deployment/Retrieval Pictures
CovTeam • December 15, 2020

CPICS Initial Deployment and Retrieval for Cleaning Biofouling After 2 Months

A bunch of sponges are growing on a coral reef.
February 15, 2023
CoastalOceanVision exhibited at the AGU meeting the week of December 12 and showed live demonstrations of swimming Artemia larvae and juveniles. COV members Cameron Fairclough, Jared Schwartz and CEO Fred Richards held back the 8000 strong crowd and provided AGU members with product information on our plankton imaging system called CPICS and the Ocean Observing System called OceanCubes.
By CovTeam June 21, 2021
The post Microplastics – Development of a Raman Flow Through Microplastics Analyzer appeared first on Coastal Ocean Vision.
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